
The European Union, with Directive 2019/1937, has renewed the legislation concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, in order to create a minimum standard for the protection of whistleblowers' rights in all Member States. Italy implemented the European Directive with Legislative Decree. 10 March 2023 no. 24.

With the adoption of Whistleblowing Policy, Ghibli & Wirbel intended to comply with the aforesaid regulatory prescriptions, as well as with the guidelines provided in this regard by ANAC.
The objective pursued is to provide the whistleblower, i.e. the person who discloses breaches, with clear operational indications on the subject, content, recipients and transmission modalities of reports.

The whistleblowing procedure ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower from the moment of receipt and in any contact afterwards.

Pursuant to art. 5, co. 1(e) of Legislative Decree. 10 March 2023 no. 24, information on the channels, procedures and prerequisites for making internal and external reports is available Whistleblowing Policy.